
Monthly Archives: November 2014



Spotted on Horne St. –Crochet Tire Cover for Jeep Spare Tire.

You know, you are manly man with a rough, tough jeep and a mounted spare tire to
be prepared for anything just in case and a member of the female persuasion comes
along and knits a crochet cover to prettify the thing. Or vice versa. Whatever.
Don’t mess with Texas!

And if you want to see little knit ear caps for horses CLICK HERE



Who knew this picture would somehow be relevant 40 years later?

Genuine vintage Seabee NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) Warfare training
at Gulfport Mississippi circa 1974.

Like the Boy Scouts, Seabees were always prepared.

Scary part, the equipment looks surprisingly contemporary, maybe even more effective
than some of the stuff on the Evening News!