
Monthly Archives: October 2013


Hard to tell when and where an oversize circle might come in handy!

In a previous episode an oversize plywood circle was easily
cut with nothing more than a table saw.


Today watch as a router pivot guide made from scrap wood is
used to cut a circle and a hole simultaneously!

There are all manner of complicated router guides – both shop
made or commercially sold- but truth be told a perfectly
functional guide can be made in minutes with a piece of scrap
wood and two holes drilled the proper distance apart.

Set up your router with a template bushing and a fluted bit
and your hole AND circle will be cut in a few quick minutes!


They are everywhere! Roadside real estate signs! Someone must dig
holes and carefully line up the panels to be read by passing traffic.

Today’s example of a common service call.

This oversize sign has digital graphics printed on two 4 foot
by 8 foot laminate aluminum panels mounted on wooden 4×4 posts
set 24 inches into the ground.