
Monthly Archives: July 2021

Most of us have, at sometime in our lives, longed for a soda can with a screw top cap.

“Why, oh why, can we not sip our sweet bubbly sugar water in a delicate, discrete, civilized, ladylike manner instead of guzzling all 12 ounces down in a single gulp?” we screamed into the dark incomprehensible void.

(Okay, I NEVER asked THAT question, but I know people who have!)

Long no longer intrepid dipsomaniacal imbiber of exotic elixirs, your salvation has come!

The restless minds at the downtown Raleigh Skunkwerks have come up with a solution available to anyone in possession of a 6.1 oz (174g) plastic bottle of Meta-mucil. In just a few easy steps you too can have a REUSABLE plastic screw top cap for the beverage of your choice!

Step #1

CAREFULLY cut off the top 1/3 of an empty plastic Meta-mucil bottle to make a small cup.

Step #2

Put the 1/3 top cup piece with the CAP ATTACHED into a pan and fill JUST THE CAP & SHELL CUP SECTION with heated teapot water. Let the hot water soften up the filled plastic cup for about a minute. CAREFULLY rattle the pan to empty the hot water from the cup and CAREFULLY pick out the EMPTY plastic cup piece.

Step #3

Quickly remove the cap from the softened cup shell and forcefully press the cup shell piece onto an UNOPENED/SEALED beverage can. The soft plastic will expand to fit the can sides.

Step #4

Be sure the shell section is firmly pushed all the way down to the top of the beverage can rim.
The plastic shell is easily and quickly cooled off with a stream of cold faucet water.

With the pop top open any unconsumed beverage can be easily transported with the screw top cap attached.

When the beverage is completely consumed the plastic shell is easily removed by gently crushing the can so the two parts no longer fit together.

For a perfect fit of the two parts on a NEW can a repeat of the original installation process may be helpful. Eventually the shell (with cap removed) should slide tight and waterproof onto UNOPENED/SEALED beverage cans time after time with little effort. (Remember the cup shell must be installed on UNOPENED/SEALED beverage cans BEFORE drinking from the can.)

Annnd, there are even other style bottles available that work as well! (600 mg Calcium Supplement Bottle)