
Curious Cool Vehicles



Spotted on Horne St. –Crochet Tire Cover for Jeep Spare Tire.

You know, you are manly man with a rough, tough jeep and a mounted spare tire to
be prepared for anything just in case and a member of the female persuasion comes
along and knits a crochet cover to prettify the thing. Or vice versa. Whatever.
Don’t mess with Texas!

And if you want to see little knit ear caps for horses CLICK HERE

Today another new addition to growing archive of wildly improbable vehicles
which intermittently travel through downtown Raleigh: The Tesla Model S.

This is rumored to be the “it” car of the 21st Century. Completely electric.
High performance. 250 mile range before recharge. Sticker price under 6

Slightly above my pay grade, but well within the luxury car bracket.

Apparently from a dealership here in Raleigh. Who knew Raleigh had a

I eagerly await the pickup truck service vehicle variant.



Attentive readers may remember previously central downtown Raleigh was graced with
a horse drawn Surrey with the fringe-on-top: CLICK LINK

A Home Built Street Jalopy: CLICK LINK

A Genuine Go Fast Lotus Elise:

A prestige luxury Bentley: CLICK LINK

And, of course, the wildly improbable GOOGLE Street Photography car: CLICK LINK

Today a new addition to the archive of curious downtown Raleigh vehicles: The Homemade
Street Jalopy. Home Built from stainless steel on a dune buggy frame by a man in his
eighties ( or so I am told)



Attentive readers may remember previously central downtown Raleigh was graced with
a horse drawn Surrey with the fringe-on-top: CLICK LINK

A Genuine Go Fast Lotus Elise: CLICK LINK

A prestige luxury Bentley: CLICK LINK

And, of course, the wildly improbable GOOGLE Street Photography car: CLICK LINK

Regular readers know I occasionally chronicle the strange sights and vehicles
which frequent my immediate vicinity in downtown Raleigh. Today,
for audience entertainment: HORSES! (and carriages). They may be a common sight
in cities like Charleston, but in Raleigh they remain a relative curiosity.

Recall in earlier episodes one of 25 Saffron Yellow Limited Edition
Lotus Elise Go Fast Cars appeared parked right in front of the shop (LINK HERE)
and then weeks later nothing less than a Bentley drove down Glenwood Ave right
in front of the Handymobile! (LINK HERE) .
Of course, never forget the legendary Google Car LINK HERE


Another exotic vehicle in downtown Raleigh just a stone’s throw from the International Handyman Headquarters! This time we were graced by a genuine Google Streetview Car. No information as to whether it is driven manually or by robot computer.

Recall in earlier episodes one of 25 Saffron Yellow Limited Edition Lotus Elise Go Fast Cars appeared parked right in front of the shop (LINK HERE) and then weeks later nothing less than a Bentley drove down Glenwood Ave right in front of the Handymobile! (LINK HERE)

In a previous episode of Handyman Blog I marveled at the sights that appear at my very front door! LINK HERE

A few days ago I found myself just blocks from the shop behind…….yup, that is a Bentley!

For a guy who has removed the occasional dead squirrel from dryer vents, it is amazing to find myself amongst the landed gentry as often as I do nowadays. Raleigh sure has changed since the early 1970’s when pretty much everyone from the Governor on down drove a pickup truck.

Bentley Links HERE HERE and HERE