
Entry Stoop

After photograph – existing posts fitted with caps and new contemporary balustrade

Freshening up an existing entry way need not be a major production. Blend existing posts
with new handrails; add decorative caps and bingo! A more up-to-date appearance!
Before photograph- vintage 1980 entry handrail

After photograph- modern replacement balustrade attached to original posts.

For another example of balustrade work from the archives CLICK LINK HERE

Cute project.

With just some minor adjustments this entry stoop is converted
from yesteryear’s well worn relic into a clean, modern front portal.

The “before” photo- loose brick, loose handrail, and an uncomfortably
high step (12 inches) under a layer of moss and grunge.

Stoop RepairA

Work in progress photo. Pressure washed reset bricks with a platform step to
ensure a smooth transition from sidewalk to stoop.


The final touch. Tie the stoop and platform together with a uniform surface of
tough, durable modern outdoor carpet.

What a difference a day makes!


This is a somewhat common upgrade.
Especially with vintage carport entry doors.

In many carports the most frequently used house door is equipped
with a perfunctory set of basic concrete steps upon which the
resident must stand and confront a reverse handed storm door
often while burdened with groceries, packages or squirming children.

Why this design flaw from GrandDad’s day has persisted through
the years is definitely a paradox, a mystery, and even an enigma!

Through the years I built entire decks over these unlikely arrangements.



For some reason carport entry doors come with completely inadequate steps, almost an afterthought, which make it difficult to enter the house with packages

The solution is to cover over the steps with a wood stoop or other compatible material.

The rework does not change the use of the carport, but it does make for a much more comfortable and useful entryway

Here is the same idea executed in brick. The original steps were filled in to make the stoop and new steps built out to the side.

Here is the same idea executed in brick. The original steps were filled in to make the stoop and new steps built out to the side.