

From the dusty days of yesteryear, return now to the time of Pizza Pick’ins in Central North Carolina!
A genuine geezer tale!
Yes, folks the old jokes are ALWAYS the best!
Thank you KC O’Dea 106.1 FM!
Your efforts to restore Raleigh Barbecue Pizza Pick’ins to their rightful place of glory in local culture are greatly appreciated!
A staple of 1980’s lore in the local community, barbecue pizzas rolled from Wake County Pizza Farms and slow roasted in backyards everywhere were a joyous celebration of good old fashioned home cooking!
On weekends downtown neighborhoods South,East,West,AND North were filled with the aroma of slow cooked pepperoni, ground beef and yes, even anchovy!
I still remember the days when the haze of pit smoke from backyard barbecue would cling to a fella’s clothes for days!
Yessirrebob! The good old days were the best days when the subject was barbecue pizza!
Thank you sir for making barbecue pizza great again!

A remarkably common roof puncture hole from Hurricanes or any high wind sufficient to snap limbs from a tree. If the limb is 30 feet or higher above the house roof and has sufficient length to weigh around 40 or 50 pounds there is enough time for the sharp shard point to stabilize with the help of the bushy leaf end into a nearly perfect straight arrow descent and penetrate through 1/2 inch or even 3/4 inch roof deck board.

Under the right circumstances this improvised field expedient pilum could even come through the ceiling into the room below and pierce a bed or chair or table (hopefully unoccupied). Yes, one should try not to tempt Mother Nature with unnecessarily tall trees directly above one’s abode. The unthinkable can occur more frequently than one can imagine. Or so I have heard.

In any case this particular repair from last week’s Hurricane Dorian required little more than a small piece of plywood, some shingles and a few hours of sawing, hammering and nailing.

As Sgt. Esterhaus famously said: “Let’s be careful out there” (Click Link)