
Monthly Archives: October 2015

Gatorade Canisters

Gatorade Canisters


People want to know about my snap top plastic canisters!

Yes, there is no off position on the Genius switch in the Research Department!

The Skunkwerks research team here at the International Headquarters came up with
these things a while back mostly because of all the available Gatorade bottles
piled up around the recycle bin. Over time many small parts and supplies have
made their way into one of these versatile, cheap, clear plastic containers.

As far as I can tell this design variation is original to the masterminds here at
the International Handyman Headquarters.

If you or your neighbor consume sport drinks like Gatorade
you will have an endless supply of uniform clear plastic
parts containers for all the nails, screws and miscellaneous
stuff that accumulates around the house and shop.

Any bottle with a tapered waist should work.

The 28 ounce Gatorade bottles with symmetrical ribs
are excellent for conversion to an interlock cap.

Cut and trim one bottle at the fifth rib for the bottom half.

Cut and trim a second bottle at the third rib for the interlock
snap top.

Enjoy the video if you need some place to store your stuff.

Dog days of Summer 2019 Update:

A Summertime Entrepreneur Challenge

The Dog Days of Summer approacheth
and the kids need something to do! Forget
Lemonade stands and Girl Scout Cookies!
Why give corporations $$ since the humble
28 oz Gatorade bottle provides unlimited
instruction and activity when converted into
clear snap top canisters? Teach Yoots
real skills in a basic way- procurement,
processing, inventory and yes,even recycling!
A wild idea developed at the Handyman
Skunkwerks in 2015,these containers will
challenge kids of all ages

The Summertime Entrepreneur Challenge
Make canisters! Sell canisters! Earn money!