
Monthly Archives: January 2013


Despite news reports to the contrary, this is a picture of ICE, not snow on a residential
neighborhood street in North Raleigh.

Yes, there is ICE on the streets of Raleigh as of 11:45 AM–crunchy, crusty, solidified
sheets of congealed sleet–treacherous and somewhat uncertain to walk and drive across.

Phase II

Bird Feeder Icicles.

Insignificant measurable precipitation, but dramatic results— after just a few
minutes of “wintry mix” 6 inch icicles droop from a bird feeder.



Score! Slide Rules!

Two of them! For many years I have scoured yard sales in my search for a slide rule.

Like cast iron cookware, no one sells the good ones.

I know everyone has their father’s slide rule in the attic, but they just do
not want to part with it.

Several years back I got my hot little hands on a genuine 1925 Keuffel & Esser Polyphase
Slide Rule self teaching manual.

But no slide rule.

This year Santa found TWO at two different Antique Emporiums. One, no kidding, in a bucket of miscellaneous wooden rulers. No one understood the difference!

I almost remember how to use them!

They were yesterday’s old timey way to calculate the figures that needed figuring.

For those unfamiliar with Slide Rule Technology, know they work without batteries,
can calculate out to three decimal places, (the good ones with hair thin index lines
embedded in a magnifier cursor slide) and they were instrumental in the effort to win
World War II and put a man on the moon!

Slide Rule History LINK