
Monthly Archives: June 2011

In a previous episode of Handyman Blog I marveled at the sights that appear at my very front door! LINK HERE

A few days ago I found myself just blocks from the shop behind…….yup, that is a Bentley!

For a guy who has removed the occasional dead squirrel from dryer vents, it is amazing to find myself amongst the landed gentry as often as I do nowadays. Raleigh sure has changed since the early 1970’s when pretty much everyone from the Governor on down drove a pickup truck.

Bentley Links HERE HERE and HERE

Like most Wood Whisperers, I have an assortment of Sears Craftsman wrenches and hand tools in my toolbox and around the shop–some of which have been with me from Day One.

I cannot remember any wrenches that have ever quit on me….until the other day.

After 30 some years my trusty 3/8 ratchet wrench would not switch gears!

As it happened, I remembered the famous Craftsman Lifetime Warranty:

“If it breaks …ever…..Sears will repair or replace it free.”

Now for the first time in my life I wondered exactly what that promise meant.

Was it worth my time and energy to go to the local shopping mall and get pummeled about the head and shoulders by some sales clerk for a $10.00 wrench?

I braced for impact and decided to give it a shot!

Wow! The entire transaction took 3 and 1/2 minutes and that includes the time it took to walk to and from the parking lot to my truck!

No kidding!

They had an entire box of refurbished tools under the counter.

The sales clerk examined my wrench with the Craftsman Logo stamped deeply into the handle, confirmed the damage and found a nearly exact copy from the replacement box.

He ran the transaction through the cash register and I was on my way!

Just WOW!

One for the record books!

I was giddy for the rest of the afternoon! (Yeah, I am easily amused.)

Boy, do I love my oscillating multi-tool!

In less than a year I have used it in more ways to do more things than almost any other tool I have.

Anyone who has ever removed a fragile, paint encrusted glazing stick from a door or window will appreciate the improvement this new gizmo brings to the job.

You can even cut your own glazing trim from the one piece factory reveal!

Window Glazing Archive CLICK LINK

In the first week of June progress down in the tornado zone is uneven at best. Some areas have recovered remarkably quickly; other areas are still blanketed in tarps, debris and unwieldy problems.